Your earning power — your ability to earn an income —
is your most valuable asset.

Few people realize that a 30-year-old couple will earn 3.5 million dollars
by age 65 if their total family income averages $100,000 for their
entire careers, without any raises.

How Much Will YOU Earn in a Lifetime?

Your Future Earning Power If Your Family Income Averages:

Years to Age 65$50,000$100,000$250,000$500,000


What steps have you taken to protect your earning power in the event of death or disability?

How much of this money will be available to achieve future financial
objectives, such as funding a child’s college education or enjoying a
secure retirement?

How much of your earning power will you save and keep saved?


The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information of general interest to our clients, potential clients and other professionals. The information provided is general in nature and should not be considered complete information on any product or concept described.

For more complete information, please contact my office at the phone number above.

Published by The Virtual Assistant; © 2019 VSA, LP