In part of our ongoing series to help promote small businesses, and the positive impact they have on the local community, we also want to highlight some of the pitfalls that can come there way.
Imagine that tomorrow you went to visit your favorite local business only to find out that they closed down because the owner had retired, died or become disabled yesterday. Many businesses close for one of theses reasons, not because they want to, but because they failed to plan for one of theses events.
Some of the questions the business owner can ask themselves, would you want your business interest:
- Retained for a family member
- Sold to another owner
- Liquidated
Depending on the desired outcome these are some of the issues to consider.
Retain the Business Interest for Your Family
- Is there a capable and willing family member?
- Will the family member be acceptable to any other business owners?
- How will you or your surviving dependents replace the income previously provided by your business?
- Is there a need to equalize inheritances among family members?
- Will there be enough liquidity in your estate to pay taxes and other settlement costs?
Sell the Business Interest
- To whom will your business interest be sold?
- At what price?
- And at what events (death, disability and/or retirement)?
- What is the value of your business interest?
- Will the funds be available to complete the purchase at your death, disability and/or retirement?
Liquidate the Business Interest
- What is the value of your business as a going concern?
- How does that value compare to the liquidation value of your business?
- How will you or your surviving dependents replace the income previously provided by your business?
- Will there be sufficient funds available to allow for a planned liquidation?
The objective of business continuation planning is to assist you in evaluating which of these alternatives is most suitable for your situation and to help provide the funds that will be needed to assure that your business continuation goals become a reality.
If you know a small business, or own a small business that could use help navigating some of these questions please reach out and schedule an appointment with one of our professional agents.